Rhode Island Laws

Recently while studying, I was listening to Pandora radio and a commercial came on in between my music. It was an advertisement seeking to educate the public about the current laws concerning cell phone use while driving in the state of Rhode Island. The ad stated, “If you are under 18 and you’re behind the wheel, drive now and text, play, call, e-mail, and update later.” A minor caught using their phone for anything while driving will receive a $50 fine the first two times, followed by a $100 fine on the second offense and restriction of your license until the age of 18 [source]. I have been living in the state of Rhode Island now for almost four years, and this is the first time I have ever heard anything about laws of cell phone use while driving. I had no idea it was still legal to use your phone while driving if you are over 18. Frankly, I am shocked that Rhode Island has this law put in place. I think all cell phone use while driving for anyone, any age, should be illegal. I am also shocked that I have never heard anything about cell phone laws while driving. 

Being from Connecticut, I am well aware of the law that all cell phone use while driving is prohibited. I think this is the way it should be. I am also aware that on all major roadways entering the state of Connecticut, there is a huge sign that says “Driver use of handheld telephones prohibited,” in order to inform the drivers entering the state that the laws have changed and there are are laws in place that prohibit the use of cell phones while driving. There are no signs when entering the state of Rhode Island that say anything about cell phone use. 

Upon listening to this advertisement, I thought to myself, “so that means for me, it is okay and safe for me to use my cell phone while driving.” This is misleading to those who are not under 18. It makes it seem like it is only dangerous for minors to use their cell phones while driving because they are less experienced drivers.  This is not the case. This also could lead the under age drivers to assume that they are “experienced” enough to be able to use a cell phone while driving and therefore that it is okay. Im my opinion, this law is not sound and needs to be changed and fixed. 

Upon consultation with my roommate, who is also from Connecticut, she told me she “heard on the streets” that the law in Rhode Island is that texting while driving is illegal but it is okay to use your cell phone to make calls. She had no idea about the law concerning minors and the use of cell phones while driving. Mostly, I think it is interesting how the state of Rhode Island chose to advertise the law that is in place. I hope that they also go through a campaign to advertise the cell phone laws concerning adults as well. I feel confused about what I can and cannot do with my phone while driving. 

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1 Response to Rhode Island Laws

  1. I think this is a really interesting post. I also didn’t know about the Rhode Island laws, and being from New York, I have always known that cell phone laws while driving are strict and put in place for a reason. But your point about how this is misleading for adults older than 18 is interesting. I know a lot of my friends say, “Oh, I never text and drive. I only check my phone at red lights.” This attitude is still dangerous, say if they look up after a text and see a green light. They may react and panic that they are holding up the line of cars behind them, not knowing how long the light has been green. This may cause them to speed across the intersection and fail to check if any cars are running the red light. Perhaps this attitude that they can bend the rules is partially due to less strict laws for adults. They may think that since they are more experienced drivers, they can handle texting at a red light or talking on the phone. If the law doesn’t hold them accountable, they could put themselves in danger.

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